37,360 research outputs found

    Immigration and Welfare State Cash Benefits: The Danish Case

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    The purpose in this paper is to summarize existing evidence on welfare dependence among immigrants in Denmark and to supply new evidence with focus on the most recent years. Focus is on immigrants from non-western countries. The paper contains an overview of the background regarding immigration in recent decades followed by a survey of relevant benefit programmes in the Danish welfare state. Existing studies focus on both macro analyses of the overall impact from immigration on the public sector budget and on micro oriented studies with focus on specific welfare programs. Existing studies focus on the importance for welfare dependence of demographic variables, on the big variation between countries of origin and on the importance of cyclical factors at time of entry and during the first years in the new country. Evidence from the most recent years reinforce the importance of aggregate low unemployment in contrast to fairly small effects found from policy changes intending to influence the economic incentives between welfare and a job for immigrants.immigration, general welfare programs, effects of welfare programs

    Nitrate leaching and spring wheat bread making quality following cultivation of grasslands of different composition, age and management

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    The influence of sward botanical composition and ley age on grassland residual effects, quality of spring wheat and subsequent nitrate leaching was investigated. Grazed grasslands of different age (1, 2 and 8 production years) and composition (unfertilised grass-clover and fertilised perennial ryegrass) were ploughed and followed by spring wheat and spring barley. For reference, an adjacent field without grassland history but with the same crop sequence in 2002-2003 was treated with increasing quantities of N fertiliser. Yields and N uptake of spring wheat following grasslands always exceeded those of the reference plots with a history of cereal production. The nitrogen fertiliser replacement values of grass-clover and ryegrass were 59-100 and 72-121 kg ha-1, respectively, with the highest values representing the 8-year-old leys. Grain yield and N uptake increased while those for straw decreased with increasing ley age. There were no effects of previous grassland type (grass-clover/ryegrass) on content of protein, starch and gluten, but grassland age significantly influenced protein (P<0.05) and gluten (P<0.01) contents. It is suggested that N mineralisation following the ploughing of older grass leys occurred later than when following the 1st year ley. The protein and gluten contents of wheat following unfertilised grass-clover corresponded to those following cereals given 125-150 kg N ha-1, but the rheological properties of the gluten were different to what could be achieved using equivalent quantities of mineral fertiliser. Probably, the slow release of N from decomposition of old grassland gave a better synchrony between N release and plant demand. Nitrate leaching in year 1 after ploughing was significantly influenced by type of grassland (P<0.001) with 10 and 29 kg N ha-1 leached from grass-clover and ryegrass, respectively. Nitrate leaching following ploughing of 1-year-old leys averaged 11 kg N ha-1 which was significantly lower than the 24 kg N ha-1 following 2 or 8-year-old leys. The flow-weighted mean nitrate concentration decreased from 8.5 mg N l-1 in year 1 after grassland cultivation to 4.5 mg N l-1 in year 2. More N was released following ploughing of ryegrass swards and from grasslands of increasing age, but differences were moderate compared to the estimated N-surplus. This indicates that when organic matter in grasslands is partially decomposed and readily mineralisable N used, the remaining organic N is released only very slowly

    Selfdual spaces with complex structures, Einstein-Weyl geometry and geodesics

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    We study the Jones and Tod correspondence between selfdual conformal 4-manifolds with a conformal vector field and abelian monopoles on Einstein-Weyl 3-manifolds, and prove that invariant complex structures correspond to shear-free geodesic congruences. Such congruences exist in abundance and so provide a tool for constructing interesting selfdual geometries with symmetry, unifying the theories of scalar-flat Kahler metrics and hypercomplex structures with symmetry. We also show that in the presence of such a congruence, the Einstein-Weyl equation is equivalent to a pair of coupled monopole equations, and we solve these equations in a special case. The new Einstein-Weyl spaces, which we call Einstein-Weyl ``with a geodesic symmetry'', give rise to hypercomplex structures with two commuting triholomorphic vector fields.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourier. 50 (2000

    The MNC as a Knowledge Structure The Roles of Knowledge Sources and Organizational Instruments in MNC Knowledge Management

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    Recent research on the differentiated MNC has concerned knowledge flows between MNC units. While linking up with this literature, we extend in two directions. First, we argue that conceptualizing the MNC as a knowledge structure furthers the understanding of intra-MNC knowledge flows. Thus, we see MNC knowledge elements as being structured along such dimensions as their type and degree of complementarity to other knowledge elements, and their sources, for example, whether they are mainly developed from external or internal knowledge sources. These dimensions matter in terms of knowledge flows, because they influence the costs and benefits of knowledge transfer and, hence, the actual level of knowledge transferred. Second, based on this conceptualization, we argue that MNC management can influence the development, characteristics and transfer of knowledge through choices regarding organizational instruments (control, motivation and context). We test six hypotheses derived from these arguments against a unique dataset on subsidiary knowledge development. The dataset includes information on organizational instruments, sources of subsidiary knowledge, and the extent of knowledge transfer to other MNC units. It covers more than 2,000 subsidiaries located in seven different European countries.Knowledge structure, complementarity, knowledge transfer, the MNC

    Epistemic Peer Disagreement

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    We offer a critical survey of the most discussed accounts of epistemic peer disagreement that are found in the recent literature. We also sketch an alternative approach in line with a pluralist understanding of epistemic rationality

    X-ray Emission from Haloes of Simulated Disc Galaxies

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    Bolometric and 0.2-2 keV X-ray luminosities of the hot gas haloes of simulated disc galaxies have been calculated at redshift z=0. The TreeSPH simulations are fully cosmological and the sample of 44 disc galaxies span a range in characteristic circular speeds of V_c = 130-325 km/s. The galaxies have been obtained in simulations with a considerable range of physical parameters, varying the baryonic fraction, the gas metallicity, the meta-galactic UV field, the cosmology, the dark matter type, and also the numerical resolution. The models are found to be in agreement with the (few) relevant X-ray observations available at present. The amount of hot gas in the haloes is also consistent with constraints from pulsar dispersion measures in the Milky Way. Forthcoming XMM and Chandra observations should enable much more stringent tests and provide constraints on the physical parameters. We find that simple cooling flow models over-predict X-ray luminosities by up to two orders of magnitude for high (but still realistic) cooling efficiencies relative to the models presented here. Our results display a clear trend that increasing cooling efficiency leads to decreasing X-ray luminosities at z=0. The reason is found to be that increased cooling efficiency leads to a decreased fraction of hot gas relative to total baryonic mass inside of the virial radius at present. At gas metal abundances of a third solar this hot gas fraction becomes as low as just a few percent. We also find that most of the X-ray emission comes from the inner parts (inner about 20 kpc) of the hot galactic haloes. Finally, we find for realistic choices of the physical parameters that disc galaxy haloes possibly were more than one order of magnitude brighter in soft X-ray emission at z=1, than at present.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS LaTeX forma

    Fluid Dynamical Description of the Chiral Transition

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    We investigate the dynamics of the chiral transition in an expanding quark-anti-quark plasma. The calculations are made within a linear sigma model with explicit quark and antiquark degrees of freedom. We solve numerically the classical equations of motion for chiral fields coupled to the fluid dynamical equations for the plasma. Fast initial growth and strong oscillations of the chiral field and strong amplification of long wavelength modes of the pion field are observed in the course of the chiral transition.Comment: 9 pages LaTeX, 4 postscript figure

    Happiness in Europe: Cross-Country Differences in the Determinants of Subjective Well-Being

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    The purpose in the present paper is to use individual panel data in the European Community Household Panel to analyse the impact on self-reported satisfaction from a number of economic and demographic variables. The paper contributes to the ongoing discussion of the relationship between life satisfaction and income. The panel property of the data makes it possible to study also the impact on satisfaction from income changes as well as the impact from acceleration in income and changes in labour market status on changes in satisfaction. A number of demographic variables and individual attitude indicators are also entered into the analysis of both the level of satisfaction and the change in satisfaction from one wave of the survey to the next. We find a strong impact from the level of income in all countries, an impact from change and acceleration in income for a smaller number of countries, a strong impact from most changes in labour market status and finally important effects from a number of demographic variables.satisfaction, income, labour market status, health

    Ballerina - Pirouettes in Search of Gamma Bursts

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    The cosmological origin of gamma ray bursts has now been established with reasonable certainty. Many more bursts will need to be studied to establish the typical distance scale, and to map out the large diversity in properties which have been indicated by the first handful of events. We are proposing Ballerina, a small satellite to provide accurate positions and new data on the gamma-ray bursts. We anticipate a detection rate an order of magnitude larger than obtained from Beppo-SAX.Comment: A&AS in press, proceedings of the Workshop "Gamma Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era" in Rome, November 199
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